How to Deal with Criticism and Negativity from Others

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4 min readSep 30, 2023
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Criticism is inevitable in life. Whether it comes from your boss, your partner, your friends, or even strangers, criticism can be hard to take. It can make you feel hurt, angry, insecure, or discouraged. But criticism can also be a valuable source of feedback and learning, if you know how to handle it gracefully. In this post, I will share some tips on how to deal with criticism and negativity from others, and how to use it to your advantage.

Types of Criticism: Constructive vs. Destructive

Not all criticism is the same. Some criticism is constructive, meaning it is intended to help you improve or grow. Constructive criticism is usually compassionate, specific, and relevant. It comes from someone who respects you and wants you to succeed. For example, your boss might give you constructive criticism on your presentation skills, or your partner might give you constructive criticism on your communication style.

On the other hand, some criticism is destructive, meaning it is intended to hurt you or bring you down. Destructive criticism is often personal, vague, and irrelevant. It comes from someone who is angry, jealous, insecure, or malicious. For example, a troll might give you destructive criticism on your appearance, or a rival might give you destructive criticism on your work.

How to Respond to Constructive Criticism

Constructive criticism can be a great opportunity to learn from others and improve yourself. Here are some ways to respond to constructive criticism positively:

  • Listen attentively and respectfully. Don’t interrupt or argue. Try to understand the critic’s perspective and point of view.
  • Thank the critic for their feedback. Express your appreciation for their time and effort. Show them that you value their opinion and input.
  • Ask questions if you need clarification or examples. Don’t be afraid to ask for more details or suggestions on how to improve. Avoid asking defensive or accusatory questions, such as “Why do you think that?” or “What do you know about it?”
  • Reflect on the feedback and evaluate its validity and usefulness. Don’t take it personally or emotionally. Try to be objective and rational. Consider the feedback in relation to your goals and values.
  • Act on the feedback if you agree with it and find it helpful. Make a plan to implement the changes or improvements suggested by the critic. Follow up with the critic if necessary and show them your progress.
  • Ignore the feedback if you disagree with it or find it irrelevant. You don’t have to accept every piece of criticism that comes your way. You have the right to reject feedback that doesn’t align with your vision or purpose.

How to Respond to Destructive Criticism

Destructive criticism can be harmful and demoralizing. It can damage your self-esteem and confidence. Here are some ways to respond to destructive criticism effectively:

  • Ignore the critic and their comment. Don’t waste your time and energy on people who don’t have anything positive or constructive to say. Don’t let them get under your skin or affect your mood.
  • Block the critic if they are persistent or abusive. If the critic is online, you can mute, unfollow, report, or block them. If the critic is offline, you can avoid, limit, or end contact with them.
  • Confront the critic if they are crossing a line or violating a boundary. If the critic is someone you have to deal with regularly, such as a coworker or a family member, you may need to address the issue directly and firmly. Tell them that their behavior is unacceptable and that you won’t tolerate it.
  • Defend yourself if the critic is spreading lies or rumors about you. If the critic is damaging your reputation or credibility, you may need to set the record straight and correct the misinformation. Provide evidence or testimonials to support your case.
  • Laugh it off if the critic is being ridiculous or absurd. Sometimes, the best way to deal with negativity is to not take it seriously at all. Use humor or sarcasm to diffuse the situation and show that you don’t care what they think.

How to Grow from Criticism

Criticism can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development if you use it wisely. Here are some ways to grow from criticism:

  • Learn from your mistakes and failures. Criticism can help you identify your weaknesses and areas of improvement. Use criticism as a motivation to work harder and smarter.
  • Seek feedback proactively and regularly. Criticism can help you gain new insights and perspectives that you may not have otherwise. Ask for feedback from people who have more experience or expertise than you in your field of interest.
  • Give feedback constructively and respectfully. Criticism can help you develop your communication and interpersonal skills. Offer feedback to others in a way that is helpful and supportive, not hurtful and judgmental.


Criticism is unavoidable in life, but it doesn’t have to be unpleasant or unproductive. By knowing how to deal with criticism and negativity from others, you can turn it into a positive and beneficial experience. Remember, criticism is not a reflection of who you are, but an opportunity to grow and improve.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article on how to deal with criticism and negativity from others. Criticism can be hard to take, but it can also help you grow and improve yourself. Negativity can drag you down, but it can also motivate you to overcome challenges and prove yourself. The key is to have a positive mindset and a healthy self-esteem, and to learn from constructive feedback while ignoring destructive comments.

Now, I would love to hear from you. What are some of the ways you cope with criticism and negativity? How do you handle negative people in your life? Do you have any tips or stories to share with other readers? Please leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts. I appreciate your feedback and I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for reading!




I am a content writer and I write about beauty, health, personal growth and self-improvement.