How to Deal with Your Stats Porn?

Get rid of your Stats addiction in simple ways.

4 min readAug 25, 2020

Whether you are a beginner or an intermediate writer. It is obvious to get addicted to stats viewing habits. Also, it is especially seen more in the new bloggers.

They tend to re-check their stats every five minutes or whenever they get time. You can call this as a habit of anything, but it is also an addiction that can be called “stats porn”. And more or less we all are suffering from it.

Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash

These days the societies are formed much obsessed with social media and notifications. People spend a major part of their time on social media platforms.

See, there’s no harm in being active on social platforms but there’s a thin line between addiction and activeness.

If you find yourself refreshing, scrolling, and reading the same page multiple times in a short span of time, you are much addicted like nicotine, drugs, and sugar. Social media is also an addiction.

Unfortunately, it is not only killing your time but also your productivity. So let's make a point on how to fix this narcissistic behavior by focusing on the things those matter a lot to it.

If you are also finding the same addiction with you or see any symptoms. I would recommend you to fix it right away and start working on it.

Following these steps will help you to be more productive and less addictive towards social media or whether it is stats.

1. Thinking About Your next Content’s Title and Idea.

Instead of focusing on your previous content’s stats. Do some research for the next content idea. Think about unique content and attractive tittle. That will surely help you to recover from your stats porn addiction.

If you write for views trust me you will never get that much. But if you write for the people who will read and get benefited or mesmerized with that. That is a sign of your success.

If you are looking for a career in writing. Then a more high-quality content will help you to earn money. You need to publish your work frequently.

Instead of viewing stats, you need to work on yourself in building your name in the writing industry that's possible only because of high-quality content.

Viewing stats can give you an idea about your content but not a success. Be more productive.

2. Read More to Write More.

Basically writing ideas generate from reading. If you don't read enough, trust me you cant deliver much. There are thousands of gifts, writers had left for this world.

By reading you don't get only ideas but also living that writer’s ideas and ideology. Writing comes along with reading. If you read quite often, you become more productive. And get more ideas for your next content.

Get some good books on your desk. Spend your time on books instead of stats or social media. Even there are a lot of good articles are available on medium. You can read it here too. You should also introduce audiobooks or podcasts to yourself.

Lady writing
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” — Jim Rohn

3. Conversation with other writers

A conversation with writers can make you a better version of your self. Whenever get time try to get connect with other writers and share your work with them to get reviewed.

Surely you can get some more suggestions from them. Try to get connect with writers who write on the niches on which you are working. So it will help you more with your topics.

Takeaways from this.

We can't ignore the existence of stats completely. Because Stats also give you an idea which article gets fewer views so that you can work progressively on that particular area and what steps need to be implemented that will result in more engagements.

This is my advice to all my readers that they should give stats a specific amount of time so that you can monitor your growth as a writer, also you can view them and organize a better way of being more productive towards it.

Increase your content by publishing it so that it will give your stats a rapid growth. I am new on this platform but I write for my blogging site too. My main concern is always to give both quality and quantity.


Apply this simple strategy. Everything will get on the track itself.




A Writer (Quality over quantity). Self Acceptance & Improvement, Mental Health, Fitness, and Spirituality.