How to Decide if You Should Quit Social Media

I used to think leaving each and every one of them was the obvious thing to do for me. Of course, it’s more complicated than that.

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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

It’s no secret — as of recent years, social media has been increasingly demonized. Just a few months ago, Netflix's documentary The Social Dilemma has made headlines and prompted many to bin their accounts.

There are several different concerns at the core of someone’s decision to get off socials.

For many, it’s primarily a matter of privacy — as we become more aware of how much data is collected about us, we become increasingly uncomfortable with sharing that information with faceless corporations.

In other cases, it has to do with the negative impact on self-esteem, caused by unrealistic beauty standards the propagation of which is heavily facilitated by the likes of Instagram & co.

For others, like myself, pondering this decision has more to do with reclaiming productivity.

I used to be one of those who thought social media were somehow evil. I no longer think that way — but I’m aware of the tricks that their developers use to keep my attention. While I don’t mind them knowing what interests I have or what my favorite food…

