How To Develop A Positive Attitude

Dhanaraj Natesan
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2021


How To Develop A Positive Attitude-Dhanaraj Natesan
Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash

A man’s attitude determines his life those who have a positive attitude will rise in life. Those who have a negative attitude will never succeed in life.

“Your attitude is your altitude,”

When something happens, it is your attitude that determines how you view it if you have a negative attitude you will see the negative of what is happening even if it is a positive thing you will see it as a negative.

But that is what a man with a positive attitude will look at positive even when negative events happen in his life this is the difference between the two.

Attitude is what determines the success of your life So in this article we are going to look at the way to grow a positive attitude.

Be a positive finder

We need to see that a small number of positive things in anything that happens in the world.

When you look at any one thing you should start looking for the positive things that are in it for example when you look at any person and listen to any news you have to look at the positive things in it.

If you make it a habit to keep doing this, you will see the good in any bad thing.

Positive self talk

