How to Earn Money With Free Products

Give them away for free and still cash in



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Ah, the irony. I used to believe that I couldn’t make money from free stuff. Because that’s the logical consequence of free, right?

Not exactly. Here’s what I discovered about free stuff.


Exactly one year ago I started to give away multiple digital products I designed on Gumroad. For free.

I had designed those products a couple of months before and tried selling them. That had failed.

So, I figured why not give them away for free and see where it takes me?!

The surprise

Selling these products didn’t work at all, even though they were much cheaper than most of the competition. I had no downloads and basically no views. I tried to run a couple of Facebook and Instagram ads. Still nothing.

Then the surprise. Right after I started offering the products for free, the downloads came rolling in. Without ads or promotions.

Download after download of my free products.

No money though. Because well, they were free.

How did I make money?




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