How to Eliminate Bad Habits.

Eliminate Bad Habits and Form Good Ones.

Judah Owolabi
3 min readNov 12, 2022


Photo by Dzmitry Dzemidovich on istockphotos

To be successful in life, we need to first eliminate anything that will hinder, slow, or distract us from getting to that position. Building good habits are one of the main pillars of personal growth. To build better habits, you should shape your environment in a positive way and take it one step at a time.

Harnessing the power of habits is a great way to pursue success. Committing to habits allows you to free up your brain capacity to make better decisions, do your best work when you are in a prime mental state, and stay on track even when things are difficult.

What we will be covering;

  1. What are Habits?
  2. What is the difference between a bad habit and a good habit?
  3. List of Common Habits you might want to break
  4. 7 Ways to Form good habits and stick to them?

What is Habit?

A habit is any action we perform so often that it becomes almost an involuntary response. If you check Wikipedia they would tell you that “A bad habit is a negative behavior pattern”– Wikipedia.

Habits can be hard to break once they become deeply wired in our brains after many repetitions, but there are ways to change them.

For example, when I started working for the first time, I would always buy Puff Puff (fried dough) which was not healthy for me and my wallet or even tasty at all and after I bought it and ate it I would always regret my decision. That to me is really a bad habit I needed to eliminate.

What’s the difference between Bad habits and Good habits?

Bad habits block you, stop you, slow you down, hinder you, or ultimately prevent you from reaching your goals or destination. Good habits, however, move you towards your goal or destination, whether it’s to be happy, and healthy, make more money, lose weight, or finish your project on time.

Here is a list of common bad habits you might want to break:

  1. Gossiping
  2. Overindulging
  3. Lying
  4. Too much television
  5. Nail-biting
  6. Living to impress others
  7. Failing to say ‘no’ to things you dislike
  8. Staying in bad or toxic situations
  9. Cutting corners to finish tasks early
  10. Making decisions while you are angry
  11. Eating poorly
  12. Poor money and savings management
  13. Neglecting your health.
  14. Easily distracted. …
  15. Being a perfectionist. …
  16. Overthinking
  17. Being negative. …
  18. Being disorganized. …
  19. Fear of feedback. …
  20. Sidelining your education. …
  21. Fear of change

How do you form good habits?

Habit-forming is the process in which behaviors become automatic. It can be an intentional process, or it can happen unplanned.

For instance, you were most likely taught to wash your hands as a child. And after a while, washing your hands became automatic. It wasn’t intentional — it happened after lots of repetition.

One thing to keep in mind about the habit-forming process is that it doesn’t happen occasionally. It’s an endless feedback loop that’s running and active during every moment you’re alive.

Here are 7 Steps to Form Good Habits

  • Figure out the “WHY”
  • Identify all Your Triggers and obstacles
  • Create a Plan to Succeed
  • Start Small
  • Give Yourself Some Time
  • Celebrate Small Wins
  • Work On Your Environment

I will break down these steps in another article so make sure to stay tuned.


To build a good habit, you need an excellent plan, motivation, and routine, otherwise; it is near to impossible in the real world.

You don’t need to put a lot of extra effort to develop good habits in your life. It’s just the starting phase that requires a lot of attention.

Thanks for reading I hope you take action and accomplish the goals you set out to do.



Judah Owolabi

I Write about Personal Development and Finance. You can reach me here judahowolabi@gmail.