How to Embrace the Emotional Rollercoaster Called Life

Mary Beth Hazeldine
Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2022


Photo by Will Myers on Unsplash

We all desire happiness. Who wouldn’t want to be happy all the time? The thing is, it’s not realistic. Life isn’t perfect, and it never will be. There are good moments, and there are bad moments.

Just like everything else in life, emotions come in waves. Sometimes we’re up, and sometimes we’re down. It’s essential to experience all of the different emotions because that makes life interesting. So go ahead and ride the rollercoaster called life! Embrace the ups and downs and enjoy the ride!

Why do we desire happiness? And why is it so important to us?

There are many reasons why happiness is important to us. For one, it’s a primary human emotion. We all have a natural desire to be happy and feel good. Additionally, studies have shown that happy people tend to live longer, have healthier relationships, and be more successful in their careers.

Happiness is also important because it’s contagious. When we see happy people, it makes us feel good too. Seeing other people smile and laugh can actually trigger our own happiness response. This is one of the reasons why social media can be so addicting. We see all these happy people living their best lives, and we can’t help but feel good too.

Why do we hope to feel…



Mary Beth Hazeldine

Chief Inspiration Officer, Spiritual Psychologist, Hypnotherapist, Writer, Chef, Dog Lover, Line Dancer, Ex-Banker, MBA—