How to Exit Your Lazy Era and Start Achieving Your Goals

saanvi jarmal
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2024

Lazy, unproductive, demotivated, tired. We’ve all been through a phase where we’ve dealt with the above emotions. It’s an era that everyone has to go through in order to achieve their fully productive and motivated era. The era where the beginnings of our future start, initiates the moment we decide to quit our “lazy era” and get our act together.

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1. Organise Your Tasks

To get out of your lazy era and be the most productive, you must organise your tasks. Categorise, label, group everything you need to get done. Make a list of things that need to be done ASAP. Make a column of things which require attention. Organise your tasks according to your work habits. You can do this either on paper or you can use different apps to categorise such as Notion. It’s a great app for creating to-do lists and also to jot down your notes. It’s aesthetically pleasing and helps get your work done.

2. Change Your Mindset

Changing your mindset plays an important role in making a change. If you want to implement more reading habits and quit using your phone, start identifying yourself as a person who reads and stays productive. Stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself that you are a reader instead of saying things like “I want to be a reader”. When you start identifying yourself as the person you want to be, you will automatically start working towards being them. This way your mindset changes and your productivity also improves!

3. Peers

You may not realise this at the time but your peers, your friends, they all also heavily influenced your productiveness. There are two types of friends, one that before the exam says that they’re done with the portions and the other who says that they’re giving up since there isn’t much time.

Don’t be friends with any of the above ones. Both of them are either inducing stress on you or promoting you to also reduce your productivity and efforts. Instead find people who plan out their tasks, are clear with how and when they’re going to complete the work so that you also know that along with you there is also someone you know that is also putting effort into the work. It’s a non-toxic binding and that’s just what you need. Stay away from the people who do not align with your future and your choices. Stay true to yourself first and then others.

4. Start the Work

After all of this there is only the one last and very important step left and that is to actually start putting in the work. You have to wake up early, open that textbook or computer, and just START. How hard is it? Don’t take it as a task, take it as a challenge. Humans have a tendency to always prove themselves right and stronger than others by taking risks and winning. If you start taking your work as a challenge that you need to win, you’re already halfway there! Just start and move along the beautiful journey that life has planned out for you!

And this is all for this week’s article! I really hope you enjoy and implement some of these (if not all!) tips in your work routine!


saanvi jarmal



saanvi jarmal

16 | Reader | Nyctophile | Hodophile | Passionate