How to Experience Bliss Through Stillness

Lessons from Ekhart Tolle, hummingbirds, and people who control the wind.

Rob Rando


Photo by Levi Jones on Unsplash

When I first heard the word enlightenment my mind conjured up images of a Yoda like figure levitating in yellow light in the locust position. Now I find that the experience of enlightenment is a lot more attainable.

I am not going to promise you enlightenment in this article. Instead, I want to share where I found moments of Satori.

Satori can be described as brief moments of understanding one’s true nature. This is a brief glimpse into the enlightened state.

After experiencing this state of temporary nirvana, I sought out lessons from the great teachers on the subject of satori, enlightenment, and universal oneness. I’d like to share those lessons with you today.

I’m a mortal without answers to the great mysteries of the Universe. The only chance that I have is to listen which I do on occasion. Others have spent their whole lives listening.

My Moment of Satori

I was sitting outside on a rare day off. It was 4:30 in the afternoon. Even though this was a day off, I spent most of it working on house projects. I felt like I was on a treadmill never really reaching the point of relaxation.



Rob Rando

I write about finding your niche and the discovery process •Insights from experts & Lessons from experience