How To Fall In Love With Work again Without Worrying About The Results?

11 Lessons from Julie and Julia to help you restart your journey.

Durgesh Pratap


Photo by Daria Volkova on Unsplash

There are times when you want to throw your laptop into the nearest lake and never try to get it back.

You may feel tired of doing the same stuff over and over again without seeing any results. Or perhaps you commit to something but never finish it, only to start something else and leave that unfinished as well.

You are not alone.

It happened to Julie Powell too.

Until she found a cookbook by Julia Child buried in her library. A cookbook that changed her life forever.

Here are 11 lessons I learned from the movie “Julie and Julia” to help you restart your journey and fall in love with work again.

1. Let’s find out what excites you?

At 6:30 AM, when the alarm goes off, Julia Child jumps out of her bed and rushes to her cooking class by 7:30 AM.

This was a time filled with joy and happiness. She was excited every day to go to the cooking class.

What excites you to jump out of your bed in the morning?



Durgesh Pratap

I am an entrepreneur running multiple online businesses. I write about | Business | Life | Philosophy | Books | Follow me here at medium to get my posts.