How to Fight

Kings Will Rise
Published in
14 min readMar 18, 2021


The Mental, Physical and Spiritual Basics

Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

I have studied Martial Arts for over ten years: Six in boxing and the rest in MMA.

Martial Arts saved my life at the tender age of fifteen when I had absolutely zero confidence and not a positive thought in the world.

Negative thoughts were brimming out of my head like an overflowing dumpster in a New-York back alley. Just cold, murky, and damp sensations of fear and loneliness.

Then I watched Mike Tyson, which, until then, I didn’t think it possible for a human being to be that strong — that unbelievably powerful.

So I began with punching the air in the other room, making tons of noise over the years and annoying my mum loads. I started attending a local boxing club that smelled of Brut and worn out leather. I still remember the first sparring session.

I can still feel the taste of blood in my mouth — imagine sucking on a bunch of copper pennies — that metal taste of blood. Damn. I got the ego beaten out of me. Next, it taught me discipline, hard work, respect for the gym and others. It taught me to bow and honour people, even my opponents. It gave me more confidence in myself and gave me something to strive for when I was lost.

I’ll show you — here; look through these; they’re time-travel goggles — they’ll show you Me in the…

