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How to find Balance between Analytical and Emotional Intelligence

A short guide on how to develop our empathic and analytical skills with a simple exercise.

Jair Ribeiro
Published in
4 min readJan 29, 2021


Maybe you don’t notice it, but it takes a great deal of energy to enable various parts of our brain to solve big problems and make critical business decisions.

On one side, we have the analytical network in our brain, which helps us solve problems and make decisions. On the other side, we have an empathic network that allows us to scan an environment and be open to fresh ideas.

And in our daily lives, we are all “fighting” to find the equilibrium between those two areas, continually trying to find out which network is our’ go-to’ in a given moment.

We are all in a constant learning process that will guide us to master the challenging task of judge how and when to move between the two.

In some moments, we are more likely to concentrate on specific facts and probabilities. Still, in a different situation, we may be more likely to focus on our feelings and the feelings of those around us. And these are contrasting behaviors, from the brain’s point of view, and in general, we are more inclined to one of the sides.

Analytical skills vs. Emotional…



Jair Ribeiro

Top #5 Global AI Thought Leader, Father, Writer, and Reader