How To Find Time To Start A Business When Working Full-Time

It can be really difficult to get extra time when working full-time.

Ewan McBride
7 min readJan 13, 2021


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

There are so many people that are working a 9–5 job that would want to start their own business but there are 2 main things holding them back, money and time.

Money can be solved because most of the time you can start a business for free and use that money to make your dream business. The main problem that you have is finding the time to start a business. You are working so hard every day for a long time and then you have to make meals and care for your family.

In this article, I am going to show you a few ways to utilize your time better so that you can start your business and change your life for the better!

Choosing Your Business

When choosing your business you need to factor in the time that it will take to get started. You may already know exactly what you want to create and what you want to achieve but if you don’t, here are a few that you can consider.

Print-On Demand

I have already made quite a few articles on print on demand so I will keep this short.

Print on demand is when you create designs and uploaded them to a POD provider like Printful. You then create a store with something like Shopify and when someone buys something from your store, your provider will print, package and ship your order without you having to do anything.

This can be great if you want to start making passive income but you will need either a lot of money to get started or a lot of time. You will most likely want to go for a lot of time because it does cost a lot.


A lot of people will say that blogging is dead and that you can’t become successful with it unless you do it full time. However, this is just not true and I personally think it is great for a lot of people.

You create a website around something that you enjoy talking about and start writing an article when you have the time. You can span the writing over multiple days so that you don’t have to write rubbish content.

This can be great if you are working a full-time job because you can work when you want to. It can also become a passive income source from the google search traffic.

Writing On Medium

Writing on Medium is very similar to starting a blog because you are writing articles for paying members to read. The best thing about Medium is that it is all done for you so that you don’t have to create a website.

You can create articles on whatever you want and you can write as much or as little as possible. This is great if you are working full-time because you won’t have to stick to a strict schedule.

I have been writing on Medium for a few months now and I am at school full time so this has been a great way to make extra money.

Create A Schedule

Now that you know what you want your business to be about you need to organize your life so that you can find more time. You are going to do this by using a calendar. This can be a physical paper one or a digital one Google Calendar.

You want to start by creating a list of all the things that you need to do in life that is regular occurrences. These are things like work, prepping meals, eating, sleeping, or shopping, there are many other things that you may have going on as well that you should write down.

Now that you have a list of the thing that you have to do, you need to decide who long each thing will take you to do. This is so that you can add it to your calendar and see when you have time that you can just sit down and start your business.

Now that you know this, go to your calendar and start to schedule the things that you have to do. You may start seeing the time that is blank that you can use to start your business.

If you see things that you think you could cut down the time that it takes to complete, try and shorten it because the more time you can get the more time that you get to start and run your business.

Photo by Eric Rothermel on Unsplash

Change Your Sleep Schedule

The average adult needs 7–9 hours of sleep a day but you may be sleeping longer than that. You want to change up your sleep schedule so that you can go to bed later and wake up earlier.

You want to make it so that you can get extra work is done at night and extra work in the morning.

This is not a permanent change and it will just be until your business is up and running.

I tried this by going to be an hour later and getting up an hour earlier, I was slightly more tired but it was totally worth it because now I run a profitable business.

Photo by Mpho Mojapelo on Unsplash

Utilize your Breaks And Lunch

while you are at work you will most likely get a break and a lunch which is extra time that you could be using to start your business. This might be a bit more difficult because you won’t have all the things you need and you will be more distracted but any time you can get is worth it.

If your lunch break is an hour-long you can eat your lunch and then get a decent amount of work done.

if you are writing an article for a blog or Medium, You could get quite a few paragraphs done which means that you will have less work to do when you get home.

You may want to hang out and talk to your colleagues but if this is truly your dream then this is what you have to focus on.

Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash

Use Your Weekends And Holidays

You can use your weekends as a great time to get a lot of work done. You have 48 hours at the weekend and in that time you have to sleep and eat but you should also fit in as much work as possible

You may want to hang out with your family and chill but they will understand that you want to follow your dream and that it will all be worth it in the end.

I’m not saying that you can’t interact with your family at all, I am just saying that you need to focus on your business and try to ignore other distractions.


This is going to be my last tip but I think this could be the best because if you have gone out your way to finding extra time to work on your business but you keep getting distracted, you have wasted your time.

I have already written an article all about this but I want to explain a few things here so that you can get started straight away.

When you are working you should have your phone out of the room because it is so easy to get distracted by it. One notification and you can be on your phone for hours.

You should also switch on do not disturb on your computer to eliminate all distractions possible.

You should be working in a room where no one else is because that is yet another distraction. The same goes with devices in the room because if you have a tv on then you could become distracted from that.

You should have an organized computer so everything is very easy to get to because you don't want to waste your time looking for files.

Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash


When you want to start your dream business to change your life for the better you need to find the time. This can be really difficult but I believe that if you use every tip that I have given you here, you can find all the time that you need and get your business up and running in no time!

