How to Find Your Life Purpose

Are you feeling lost? this might be helpful :)

5 min readDec 8, 2022


Photo by Danica Tanjutco on Unsplash

First of all, you deserve to be here. Your worth stems from your existence, you are extremely valuable, unique, and incredible. You must know being a human takes at least a miracle.

Okay now, a lot of us don't know that or have forgotten that, or they just were not filled in on the tea about the deal :)

There is an aspect of astrology that could help with discovering your life purpose, whether you believe it or not, it’s a science and it’s a tool that you can use to navigate your life.

This aspect is called the north node.

The north node is the opposite of your south node in your birth chart.

The north node is your dharma, your direction, and your life purpose. Your south node is where you are coming from, who you were in your past life (your karma) and you inherit those quality this lifetime. Your challenge is to align more into your north node self, be aware of your south node traits and use it wisely, see it as gifts but not what you are here to do.

We have to leave the south node behind, follow the north node to live our most full-filled life.

So how do you figure this out?? follow the steps and guide below :)

First step, click here to find your north node sign.

Second step, read the guide for your north node below.

Third step, write any insightful messages and aha moments in your personal journal. (because why not)

North Node Guide

North Node in Aries

You were born to be the trend setter you are a visionary and the world needs your unique skills and gifts. You have that inner confidence and wisdom to be the independent brilliant person that you are. You have everything within you to stand strong alone. It’s your time to embrace the spotlight.

North Node in Taurus

Your loving presence is truly a gift in this world. You are meant to explore relationships and precious moments of comfort. You bring the stability and security to the world. Your energy can make peace overwhelm a chaotic world. You are such a gift.

North Node in Gemini

You are here to have fun with this earthly adventure. Follow your curiosity and express your gifts of communication. The world needs your unique expressions, your words, your art, and your way of being. And the world is inspired by just witnessing you having all the fun and living your best life.

North Node in Cancer

You are a ball of loving energy. Your purpose is to develope your emotional intelligence and care for others. You have to explore the expansiveness of your heart, you must trust, you must express your precious feelings, you must love fearlessly no matter what. You are here to be love and embody love.

North Node in Leo

You are a superstar!! You are destined to be a leader, you must go out there and lead. You were born a leader, find your courage and walk your path with an open heart. Your light is needed in this world. You have the ability to connect with all kinds of personalities and the grace to actually enjoy it.

North Node in Virgo

You are the detail Queen/King. You see the beauty in the details, they just matter so much. Your purpose is to serve others through your gifts of organisation, planning and healing. You are born unique and precious, everyone loves you. You are destined to master your craft, and create with your own gifts remarkable projects that have positive impact in the world.

North Node in Libra

A diplomatic champion that the world is inspired by. You are the most intellectual of all the astrological signs. Your purpose is to create and build those amazing relationships, your destiny is to be a voice for justice in this world. Mediate and do your magic! you cannot live alone, being amongs others is your destiny. You must seek peace in your life, trust others and work in a team.

North Node in Scorpio

Your superpower is your emotions. Your purpose is to embrace your emotions. As the mysterious and intense individual you are, the world is here ready to explore all of you. You are destined for an exciting life, not an easy one, but you have what it takes to move mountains. You must focus less on the material world and rather explore the spiritual world. Your purpose is to acknowledge and embrace your dark side. Your multiple deaths and rebirths are inevitable, so you can grow and live your genius on earth.

North Node in Sagittarius

Your nature is adventerous and expansive. Your purpose is to explore the world and express your wisdom. You have beautiful gifts in persuasion and convincing others of your own ideas, you are a natural seller and a fast learner. Your purpose, however, is to find and focus on the bigger picture. Your challenge is to not get lost in the details, as you get passionate and excited about so many things. You have to find your higher purpose and use your gifts for the greater good.

North Node in Capricorn

You are so ambitious! and you are destined to be known and recognized this lifetime. Your nature is so motherly and caring for others. However, my friend you are called to step into a more courageous path, to be brave this lifetime. Come out of your comfort zone, perhaps it’s time to be the provider. your purpose is to be brave and focus on your public life and career this lifetime. Think more pragmatically, and stop feeling guilty. You are meant to shine in your own way.

North Node in Aquarius

You are the humanitarian and the rebel here. Your purpose is to serve communitities that bring progress and positive impact. Your challenge is to let go of your south node of the need to be popular or be served, you must consider other people and the greater good of your community. Ask yourself, “is this thing that I’m about to do inclusive of other people’s happiness and good”. Seek to serve communitites and work as team member not the leader. Your south node already naturally gives you the spotlight and energy of a royalty, but that is your south node and not what you are meant to do here.

North Node in Pisces

It’s time to stop criticising yourself and others, and learn how to care less about routines and lists. Focus more on the spiritual side of life. You’re meant for a spiritual life and developing your intuition as well as embracing emotions and bringing compassion to yourself and others. The world needs your compassion and wisdom, bring your attention inward.

Lastly, start living your purpose be more intentional and follow your heart you’ll know what to do, you are always guided :) or else you would not be here reading this right now.

For extra support listen to north node affirmations here.

Happy north noding!!

