How to Flirt With Women: 15 Mistakes Shy Guys Make and How to Fix Them

Qasim Adam
Published in
9 min readApr 29, 2022


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

It’s difficult for shy guys to approach women and get them to like them.

The key is to be confident and act like you’ve been around the block a few times. Women love confidence, so be sure to show off your skills with a little pickup line or two.

You’re attracting more women with your personality, but you’re stuck not knowing how to make more conversations happen. This post will help you learn from past mistakes and best practice good “flirt skills”.

Flirt with women in their language of attraction. Meet infinite new people, and attract short-term relationships that turn into long-term ones. Get your hat flirting on. Learn how to flirt with women and avoid making the most common mistakes shy guys make.

Don’t overthink flirting; just use these 15 guidelines to help you talk to the woman of your dreams.

What is Flirting?

Flirting is a form of courtship, in which two or more people engage in playful and often lighthearted verbal or physical interactions with each other. Flirting can be seen as a form of courtship, in which two or more people engage in playful and often lighthearted verbal or physical interactions with each other.



Qasim Adam

Blogger, author, and freelancer. Top writer on Medium in Love, Life Lessons, Psychology, Parenting, and Relationships.