How to Gain More Clients as a Freelance Writer

Tips on how to increase your income as a writer

Marcus Musick


Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

Working as a freelance writer is a dream come true for many people. The ability to set your rates and the number of hours you work each week is always an appealing aspect of being a writer.

However, finding enough clients to turn your part-time side gig into a full-time career doesn’t happen overnight. Instead, it’s a long-term process that requires a lot of hard work and dedication.

Fortunately, you can follow a few tips that can help build your reputation as a writer and make it easier to attract new clients.

Know Where to Find Clients

One of the most intimidating aspects of being a freelance writer is landing your first client. However, the internet provides you with countless opportunities to obtain work.

For example, you can search a variety of job boards for freelance writing opportunities. You can also sign-up for Upwork and submit bids on a wide range of jobs.

Finding clients on LinkedIn or posting your articles for sale at Constant Content is another option. Trying out various writing platforms is a great way to build your confidence and help you become a proficient writer.



Marcus Musick

Freelance Writer for 7 years and counting. You can connect with me on LinkedIn at