How to Get a New Habit To Stick

Bonita Lisa
Published in
4 min readDec 24, 2020

In this article, I will break down the 5 steps to help you adopt new habits that will stick, speaking from experience.

  1. Identify the new habit
  2. Identify your why — the stronger the why the better
  3. When
  4. Plan
  5. Execute
  1. Identify the new habit. What is the new habit that you would like to incorporate? Is it meditating? Gratitude? or is it a little bigger like a full-blown morning routine? The key is to start small and add to it gradually. For example, let’s say you want to have an evening routine. Start by implementing one or two tasks. I wanted to practice gratitude and read daily. Starting small would be committing to reading one page every day or simply adding have some fruit and a glass of water to your morning routine and gradually add to it.
  2. Why? Why do you want to start this new habit? Our minds are very powerful which is why having a strong why will help you to actually get the task done. Is this habit something you want to do or you feel like you should do? See the difference, you are less likely to complete a task you should do as opposed to one you want to do. If your why is because you should be doing it you need to really think about it and rephrase your why. Be purposeful and intentional. A lot of this is mind over matter. For example, my why for the daily gratitude practice was because at the time I was feeling very gloomy and I knew that a little gratitude practice can bring in great benefits including bringing in more positivity into my life, and at that time that’s what I needed. Some questions that might help you strengthen your why would be: Will this new habit make you more confident? Will it make you healthier? Do you want to be healthier? Will it make you happy? Do you value yourself to implement this new habit? What will this new habit do for you? How does it benefit you and do you want that benefit?
  3. Now that you have the new habit broken down into small easy to accomplish tasks, and you have a strong purpose let’s figure out when you will execute. It is important to have a trigger to remind you and mentally prepare yourself to do the task. The trigger should be something you already do. For example, my trigger is taking a shower. Every evening I would take a shower before bed. This is a strong trigger because I was already doing it daily. Don’t pick a trigger that you rarely do, that will be setting yourself up for failure. It is best to focus on completing your new habit after the trigger because it will help you to remember your new habit.
  4. Plan. Life gets busy sometimes we get tired. Preparation is the key to success. Come up with a game plan that will allow you to overcome the obstacles. an if/then plan. Here are some examples: — If I miss a day of reading I will read 2 pages the following day. If I go to a restaurant I will order an Arnold Palmer instead of soda. Do not skip your new habit 2 days in a row, “if you don’t use it you’ll lose it”. How will you hold yourself accountable? Do you need an accountability partner, maybe a friend to help you stay on track? What will be the consequences? Maybe a friendly bet? Invest in yourself. Do not be afraid to invest in yourself it will help motivate you to accomplish the task. Again you need to set yourself up for success by having the right tools. For example, if you want to start yoga, it will be beneficial to invest in a yoga mat that is comfortable for you.
  5. Execute. You are now mentally prepared and ready to execute. You have the tools for success. Please keep in mind that consistency brings results. You are shooting for action. Even if you are tired start by asking your self can I just… start small? Can I just wipe down the counters before starting the game? It a little task that won’t take more than a few minutes and you can decide to keep tidying up or go play your game because you accomplished the task you set out to do. Give yourself permission to suck. Can I just write down my ideas and come back and edit them into an article? Can I just do 10 squats today? (Can I just is a great way to start adding to habits also, “can I just meditate for 30 more seconds?”) Reward yourself for just doing the action, results will come once you’re consistent.

I hope this is helpful. These are some tips that have helped me in cultivating new habits. If you need an accountability partner or help to strengthen your why please do reach out! Have fun cultivating new habits and becoming the best version of yourself!!



Bonita Lisa

Sharing my thoughts & advice. Follow me on Instagram & TikTok @bonitalisa