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How To Get A Positive Day With Just Words

Okaneme Joseph


Words are one of those small factors of change that are often neglected by everyone. We just blurt out some words and let them hang like dust in the air, sometimes sweeping as much of the consequences as we can underneath the carpet. Words are much more than a means of expression; in any language, They Are Life.

Words Are Life

Believe it or not, the way you start out your morning 'wordwise' matters.

The words you say in the morning of each day go a long way to affecting your day. And not just the ones you say, but the ones you let into your stream of consciousness.
1. Who are you listening to?
2. What are those words that are constantly in use around you?

3. What do people around you consistently hear from you?

These are questions that we need to ask ourselves to check if we are causing damage to ourselves and those around us by ignoring our words.

The words you speak and the words you allow into your stream of consciousness over time affect your thoughts, your reasoning, and ultimately your actions.

For example, when a person hears constantly during their childhood that there is no such thing as true love, even though they already had a preconceived notion that it did exist due to cartoons and fairy tales they watched, you won’t help but notice later that their reasoning about love is changed, and as they grow, is geared towards this statement. And sooner or later they find themselves thoroughly believing and always acting based on this statement.

Despite how surreal this example might look, it is however the case with a lot of individuals today.

Words Are Like Drops Of Water

Words are just like tiny drops of water drizzling from the nuzzle of a hose or tap. They might seem insignificant and negligible, however, they must not be underestimated.

Keep a man alone directly under a leaking tap that drips as slowly as possible. You might think it’s nothing much, but check on him after 2-3 hours, and ask him how he feels – that’s if he is still sane enough to be coherent.

Those same drops of water that had been insignificant, that he couldn’t even tell when they landed on his head, would be making him scream in frustration and misery because they would be the loudest sound in the world to him at that moment. Those same drops of water.

This is exactly how it is with words. Except, the man who will be screaming in frustration and misery would not be the individual physically, but their stream of consciousness.

The words drop into the consciousness like water, merging together little by little and forming a stream. It is from this stream that the decision-making power of man is vested.

On a positive note, this is the same thing that takes place in the stream of consciousness when positive words like assertions and personal confessions are said daily to oneself. You might not notice the water dripping into your consciousness, but it’s definitely dripping and with time, the positive effects start becoming pronounced.

What’s Your Morning Like

  • Start up your morning with words of encouragement, self-appreciation, assertions, and positive words.

What you do in the morning goes a long way to affecting your day. Say a word of prayer before carrying on with your daily tasks. A single “My Day Will Be Bright.” will help you brighten up.

How Assertions Affect Your Day

Take in the case where you already made some personal confessions like I am the captain of my mind and no one can get into my head without my permission.

This can come in handy when you meet a person during the course of your day whose actions provoke you to anger.

You will somehow remember that you’d earlier professed to be the captain of your mind, so no matter how hard it might seem, you are simply not going to let them in your mind.

This becomes something of a reflex action in your life as you progress with assertions. Your replies, reasoning, actions/inactions come from what you’ve built in your mind.

It’s usually in moments of distress that the true mind is utilized, in moments where there is no time to think and you function by default.

So it is during moments like these that the influence of your words on your mind come into play because it is the bulk of what is originally present in the mind that can be used during this default action time

Keeping Your Word Bank Safe

You should keep away from negative friends, environments, and even just acquaintances that are in constant use of negative words.

Doing this takes deliberate effort and it may sometimes be hard because members of our immediate family might fall into this category, but as long as we are determined to keep our word bank safe, and forge on in our forage for positive words, it will all turn out shiny and beautiful in the end.



Okaneme Joseph

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