How To Get An Infinite Reward System

Neh Joshi
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2023

Struggling with motivation to achieve your goals? A shift in perspective can go a long way.

Photo by Tangerine Newt on Unsplash

Dream big, they say. But of what use is dreaming when you don’t have a plan?

A dream is an end product, a conclusion, an accomplishment itself. It’s usually something that requires consistency and diligence. At the end of the day, we as humans live on rewards — on temporary releases of dopamine and endorphins. We embark on things that will, either immediately or at a certain point in time, make us feel that our life is worthwhile and fulfilling.

Such journeys, undoubtedly, are described by an arduous path. We focus on the ultimate award, thereby becoming oblivious to the small feats we can achieve and celebrate during the journey itself.

That begs the question: how can we enjoy the journey as well as the destination?

Photo by Tine Ivanič on Unsplash

And the answer is surprisingly simple: you divide your goal into a series of infinite miniature goals.

Every goal accomplished is worth celebrating. Even if it’s simply waking up 5 minutes early to meditate, doing chores little by little, or lifting 5 lb. weights. That way, we can see that progress is being made. Rather than simply distressing ourselves out of the fact that we don’t feel closer to our ultimate destination, we can allow ourselves to enjoy the feeling of being victorious for our miniature achievements.

And a shift in perspective goes a long way.

You can choose to write down your goals on paper, stick them up on your fridge, or simply make a mental note of them. It’ll make a difference — one that will boost your consistency and motivation toward your dream. Perhaps such a simple thing was stopping you from achieving that one thing you’ve always wanted to achieve.

Dream big, they say. But break it down into an infinite series of doable goals. Let those miniature goals be catalysts for your reward system.

And maybe, you’ll feel that gradually, one by one, you are indeed getting there.



Neh Joshi

I write articles on life, psychology, and mental health with a hope to inspire readers to become a better version of themselves.