How To Get Clients for Your Online Business

A guide on creating an effective marketing funnel

Andikan David
3 min readJun 19, 2024


Photo by Stephen Dawson on Unsplash

The most important part of your business is sales.

Beyond just making sales,you need to create a system of onboarding your audience into your business and convert them to clients.

A marketing funnel is the general name used for a system that onboards your audience into your business.
In order to effectively run a business you need to have a effective marketing funnel.

Now your funnel is what your audience sees and feels the need to use your product or service for more of what they saw.

It's more like you showed them a tip of an iceberg and they come onboard your business to see more of it.

Because marketing funnels are what your clients see as incentive to join your business,it is very important what your marketing funnel looks like.

Here is a step-by-step guide to creating an effective marketing funnel.

Step 1. Find one pain point

Your online business may solve multiple problems but when your audience looks at your business, they’re first looking for a solution to a problem.
They don’t want a solution to all their problems at first, they want a solution to just one.

Let's say I just began writing online. I have many problems such as how to structure my words and how to get an audience but as a beginner,the very first thing I may need to know is how to attract an audience using my writing.

This is my most important pain point.

When you find this point for your audience. You then go on to the next step.

Step 2. Create a landing page

A landing page is a visual representation of the offer you’re giving your customer. Your landing page needs to have these three basic features

  • A compelling sentence to take action
  • A user-friendly interface
  • A nice color combination

Most people usually overlook the last one but you can testify to the fact that some landing pages have been more attractive than some.

A landing page is a chance to use both visual and words to win the heart of your audience.

Step 3. Create a free product

Embed your free product on your compelling landing page. Your product is a solution to the extreme pain the customer has and you’re delivering it to him free of charge.
You need to set your landing page such that it prioritizes your free product.

Step 4. Create an opt-in

After delivering the free product to the customer, you can create an opt-in where your customer has to get deep into business with you to get more offers.
Maybe a text like
"Like our free product? Hop on a call for a one-on-one consulting"

Whatever text or copywriting makes your customer want to delve deeper into your business either via a call or inputting their email, this call to action should come immediately after they’ve gotten their free product.

Your marketing funnel is the heart of your business and if the funnel is damaged,you begin to lose the ability to get new clients.



Andikan David

Founder & CEO | I'll teach you how to build a profitable one-person business | Get my FREE Beginner's Guide⬇️