How To Get LinkedIn Top Voice Badge

Huzaifa Shoukat
Published in
7 min readFeb 20, 2024


To earn the LinkedIn Top Voice Badge, actively contribute valuable insights in your area of expertise, engage with the community, and adhere to LinkedIn’s Professional Community Policies. Continuous, high-quality contributions and community interaction are key to gaining and keeping this distinguished recognition.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Identify Your Expertise: Focus on areas where you can provide unique insights and value.
  2. Contribute Quality Content: Share original, relevant content that resonates with your audience.
  3. Engage with the Community: Active participation and engagement with your network are crucial.
  4. Adhere to Guidelines: Compliance with LinkedIn’s Professional Community Policies is mandatory.
  5. Maintain Activity: Consistent, valuable contributions are necessary to keep the Top Voice Badge.

In the world of professional networking, LinkedIn stands tall as a platform where careers are built, connections are made, and expertise is showcased. Among its many accolades, the Community Top Voice badge shines bright, symbolizing a blend of influence, expertise, and community engagement. Earning this badge isn’t just a nod to your professional prowess; it’s a significant boost to your credibility in the digital realm.

Understanding the Community Top Voice Badge

So, what exactly is the Community Top Voice badge? Picture a light gold emblem, a mark of distinction, that adorns your LinkedIn profile. It’s more than just a pretty symbol; it represents your status as one of the most noteworthy contributors within your field. But here’s where it gets interesting: the Community Top Voices program is distinct from the Top Voices initiative, which is by invitation only. This means that the badge in question is within your grasp through your active contributions, rather than waiting for an invite.

Now, let’s dive deeper into how you can make this badge yours.

The Criteria for Earning the Badge

Earning the Top Voice badge is a testament to your ability to contribute meaningfully and substantially to collaborative articles. LinkedIn isn’t just looking for any contributions; they’re seeking insights that are steeped in expertise and offer real value to the community. It’s about making your mark through content that enlightens, engages, and educates.

But how does LinkedIn decide who gets this badge? It boils down to the community’s perception of your contributions. If your insights in collaborative articles resonate widely and are deemed noteworthy for a particular skill, the badge could be yours. And the best part? There’s no cap on the number of skills for which you can be recognized. Whether it’s sales, marketing, technology, or any other field, your contributions can earn you a badge that reflects your multifaceted expertise.

Yet, it’s crucial to remember that the badge isn’t yours forever. Active for just 60 days post-achievement, its tenure on your profile can be cut short for reasons ranging from unoriginal content to violations of LinkedIn’s Professional Community Policies. To keep the badge beyond this period, your contributions must continue to stand out for their originality, relevance, and value.

By Huzaifa Shoukat on Fiverr

Steps to Becoming a Community Top Voice

  1. Identify Your Area of Expertise: Start by zeroing in on the skills where you can truly shine. What are the areas where you can offer insights that no one else can? This isn’t just about what you know; it’s about where you can make the most impact.
  2. Contribute Actively to Collaborative Articles: Once you’ve pinpointed your expertise, the next step is to find collaborative articles that resonate with your knowledge base. But don’t just contribute for the sake of it. Aim to add value, offer unique perspectives, and enrich the discussion.
  3. Engage with the Community: Your contributions shouldn’t exist in a vacuum. Engage with your network, participate in discussions, and foster connections. It’s this active engagement that amplifies the impact of your contributions and bolsters your presence on the platform.

The journey to earning the LinkedIn Top Voice badge is one of consistent contribution, engagement, and adherence to professional standards. By showcasing your unique insights and expertise, you not only enhance your professional credibility but also open doors to new opportunities. Remember, the badge is more than a symbol; it’s a reflection of your commitment to adding value to the LinkedIn community.

By Huzaifa Shoukat on Fiverr

Maintaining Your Top Voice Status

Securing the Community Top Voice badge is an achievement, but the real challenge lies in keeping it. The badge remains active for 60 days, a period that tests your commitment to continuous contribution and engagement. To extend your tenure as a Top Voice, your contributions must remain relevant, original, and additive. This means consistently sharing insights that are not only valuable to your network but also reflective of your evolving expertise.

  1. Continuous Contribution: The key to maintaining your badge is to keep contributing. But don’t just share for the sake of sharing. Your contributions should continue to be insightful, informative, and aligned with your area of expertise. This consistent quality is what will keep your network engaged and your status as a Top Voice secure.
  2. Engagement and Community Building: Engaging with your community goes beyond responding to comments. It involves active participation in discussions, offering constructive feedback, and fostering a supportive environment for knowledge exchange. Remember, the strength of your network and the impact of your contributions are intertwined.
  3. Adherence to LinkedIn’s Professional Community Policies: This cannot be overstated. Your status as a Top Voice is contingent on your compliance with LinkedIn’s community standards. Any deviation, be it through unoriginal content or inappropriate contributions, can result in the removal of your badge. Treat the platform with respect, and your badge will reflect that respect back to you.

Best Practices for Noteworthy Contributions

Becoming and remaining a LinkedIn Top Voice hinges on the quality and originality of your contributions. Here are some best practices to guide your journey:

  1. Ensure Originality and Relevance: Your content should not only be original but also relevant to your audience and field. Strive to share insights that offer a new perspective, solve a problem, or address current trends. This relevance is what will keep your contributions noteworthy.
  2. Adhere to Professional Community Policies: LinkedIn’s Professional Community Policies are the bedrock of a respectful and productive network. Familiarize yourself with these guidelines and ensure that your contributions promote a positive and professional discourse.
  3. Showcase Unique Experiences and Expertise: What sets you apart? Share your personal success stories, challenges you’ve overcome, and unique insights gained from your professional journey. These personal touches not only humanize your contributions but also enrich the community with diverse perspectives.

Maintaining the Community Top Voice badge is an ongoing process that requires dedication, quality contributions, and active engagement with the LinkedIn community. By adhering to these practices, you not only safeguard your badge but also solidify your standing as a valued member of your professional network.

Badge Management and Visibility

Once you’ve earned the LinkedIn Top Voice badge, managing its visibility is crucial. The badge automatically appears on your profile and alongside your contributions in collaborative articles, serving as a beacon of your expertise and engagement. However, LinkedIn gives you control over this visibility. Should you choose to, you can adjust your profile settings to hide the badge. But before you do, consider the impact. This badge isn’t just a personal achievement; it’s a signal to potential employers, collaborators, and your wider network of your authoritative voice in your field.

By Huzaifa Shoukat on Fiverr

Navigating Challenges and Common Mistakes

The path to becoming and remaining a Top Voice is fraught with potential pitfalls. Common mistakes include over-contributing without focusing on quality, neglecting engagement with the community, and straying from LinkedIn’s Professional Community Policies. The key to overcoming these challenges lies in balance and adherence to the platform’s standards. Remember, your goal is to add value, foster constructive discussions, and share unique insights that resonate with your audience.

Success Stories: Learning from Top Voices

Inspiration can be drawn from those who have successfully earned and maintained the Top Voice badge. These individuals often share a common thread: a commitment to sharing knowledge, engaging with their network, and contributing positively to their professional community. By analyzing their journey, you can glean insights into best practices for content creation, community engagement, and personal branding on LinkedIn.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often is the Top Voice badge awarded?

A: The badge is dynamic, with its status reviewed every 60 days based on your contributions and community engagement.

Q: Can I lose the Top Voice badge?

A: Yes, the badge can be removed if your contributions no longer meet the criteria of being original, relevant, and additive, or if you violate LinkedIn’s Professional Community Policies.

Q: Can I earn the badge for multiple skills?

A: Absolutely! LinkedIn recognizes expertise across various skills, allowing you to earn the badge for multiple areas of expertise.


Earning the LinkedIn Community Top Voice badge is a notable achievement that speaks volumes about your professional expertise and your ability to engage and add value to your network. It’s a journey of continuous learning, sharing, and interaction with your professional community. As you embark on this path, remember that the badge is not just a goal but a reflection of your commitment to your professional growth and the growth of others within your network.

So, start contributing, engaging, and sharing your unique insights today. Your voice has the power to inspire, inform, and influence the LinkedIn community, and the Top Voice badge is a testament to that influence. Embrace this opportunity to elevate your professional presence and make a lasting impact in your field.



Huzaifa Shoukat

Helping Founders to Build their Personal Brand on Autopilot | CEO @Accento