How To Get More Medium Followers in Less Than 10 Days

A Simple Trick

Youssef ouj
2 min readMay 8, 2023


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash is a fantastic platform for writers to share their ideas and get their content in front of a large audience. However, with so many talented writers on the site, it can be challenging to stand out and gain a significant following. But fear not! There are some simple tricks that you can use to attract more followers to your Medium profile and increase your readership.

As a writer on Medium, I have found one particular trick to be incredibly effective in gaining followers quickly. In less than 10 days, I was able to grow my following from a mere handful to 175. The trick is simple: engage with your readers.

Now, this might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s surprising how many writers on Medium fail to engage with their readers effectively. When someone takes the time to read your article and leave a comment, it’s crucial to acknowledge them and respond thoughtfully. By doing so, you’re showing your readers that you value their feedback and appreciate their support.

Another way to engage with your readers is to ask for their input and feedback directly. At the end of each article, include a call to action asking readers to leave a comment with their thoughts or ideas on the topic. Not only does this encourage engagement, but it also provides valuable insights that can help you improve your writing.

In addition to engaging with your readers, it’s also important to be consistent with your content. If you want to attract a following, you need to publish quality content on a regular basis. Try to establish a consistent publishing schedule and stick to it. This will give your readers something to look forward to and help them develop a habit of checking out your content.

Lastly, take advantage of Medium’s built-in tools to promote your content. Tag your articles with relevant topics and keywords, and submit them to publications that align with your niche. This can help your content get discovered by a wider audience and increase your chances of gaining new followers.

In conclusion, gaining a following on Medium is not rocket science, but it does require effort and strategy. By engaging with your readers, publishing quality content consistently, and utilizing Medium’s tools, you can attract a significant following in a relatively short amount of time. So, go ahead and give it a try — who knows, you might just be the next Medium superstar!



Youssef ouj

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