How to Get Your Ex Back

Being dumped doesn’t have to mean the end



Photo by Nathan McBride on Unsplash

We’ve all been there, we’ve met that one person who puts a spell on us inebriating us with feelings of love, and then they break up with us. But does it really need to end if the core of your relationship was solid? You love each other, you share the same values, he makes you laugh, he respects you, and oh…that chemistry; it’s on fire and goes unmatched from anyone else you’ve dated! So why let the trivial reasons he gives you be a cause for throwing your relationship away?

I want to share a few pointers that worked for me.

Respect His Wishes

Your first reaction may be to try to fight the breakup and try to convince him to not leave you, but begging is actually counterproductive and a turn-off to him. The more you try to persuade his decision, the more resistant he will be to it.

Respect his decision. Don’t call him, don’t text him, don’t tag him, and don’t stalk him.

Give him his space. Let him miss you. The more you respect his space, the more likely he will rethink the breakup.

Be Introspective

Take this time to analyze your relationship and look for weak areas. What did he complain about the most? Be honest with yourself. Are there…




I love writing, Marshmallows & Cats. *Writer for The Startup, Illumination, The Writing Cooperative, In Fitness And In Health, A Magical Space For The Introvert