How To Go From the Christmas Scrooge to a Gift-giving Superstar

One simple idea to change the way you give

Matt Inman


As the days draw nearer to Christmas, you may be just starting to think about doing that last-minute shopping. But don’t think you are the only one; according to a RetailMeNot survey, almost 74% of us wait till the days before to start.

I know that situation isn’t fun, and I used to be in that group.

Fortunately, you can get a jump on the gifting ideas for next year with a simple hack a friend taught me a few years back.

It has been life-changing as far as gift-giving is concerned, and hopefully, you can learn from my past mistakes and be the stellar gift-giver you’ve always dreamed of.

“I put so much thought into your gift that it’s now too late to get it. -Anonymous

Step 1

On the 1st day of the new year, open up a new note on your phone and title it “Gifts.”

Step 2

When you’re with friends or family, and they mention something they would love to have. Say the latest book from their favorite author.

Reach for your phone, pretend to check your text, and write it on the list.



Matt Inman

Writer, Tech, and Travel nerd. Connecting with amazing people to encourage you to take action in your life. Let’s talk —