How to graduate from the school of the world?

The school’s curriculum is designed to accelerate the development of humans.

Mystic Heart
5 min readMar 8, 2024


Photo by Baim Hanif on Unsplash

I have shared an article before here:

I want to elaborate on the perspective here a bit more.

According to the teachings of spiritism or spirituality, our world is a school, and we are students enrolled in this school.

The school’s curriculum is designed to accelerate the development of humans.

Teachers are being sent according to need in this school.

The tests are tough.

And we are also told that we must reach a certain level of maturity in order to graduate from this school.

For a person to complete what he will learn from the school of the world and reach the desired maturity, it is necessary for him to come and go to the world (i.e. incarnate) many times.

The number of these comings and goings continues until sufficient maturation is achieved.

Success or failure in the lessons he will learn at school depends on his self-knowledge and awareness.

The events, confusions, and difficulties he encounters in his life are teachings for him.

For example, if we grew up in a painful family in which nobody showed any compassion to each other, we may feel the lack of compassion and learn the value of it and what the best way to show compassion is. And instead of revolting, focusing on the compassion within us would be the lesson we need to accomplish in this world.

Or, to curb our arrogance, we may find ourselves in such a situation in society that someone comes out and says directly to our face what an arrogant person we are, and everyone approves it, so we learn that arrogance is not a good thing. Then, changing ourselves would be the lesson we need to accomplish in this world.

Or, we may not get on well with a family member in this lifetime due to a past life relationship in which we were feeling hatred for each other. And in this life, we need to learn to love each other, or at least to understand each other. Thus, attempting to love or understand an old enemy who is now a family member would be the lesson we need to accomplish in this world.

Or, maybe we are going to be very arrogant if we easily achieve some success in academia. Therefore, temporarily, we may not get an academic degree. Every challenge we encounter before attaining this academic degree serves as a lesson that shapes and softens us so that we become academics who pave the way for those academics who come after us, making their journey easier. Here again, focusing on how these challenges have nurtured our growth instead of revolting against them would be a lesson we need to accomplish in this world.

These examples can be further expanded.

According to the teachings of spiritism or spirituality, before we become attached to the body, we act as beings with expansive consciousness, more understanding, more perception, and more farsightedness, and we make our incarnation plan accordingly.

We do this job at that level of consciousness.

However, when we descend into the world, we cannot operate with the free consciousness we have in the spiritual realm; our consciousness shuts down, closes, and we enter into the opportunities provided by the physical world.

We narrow down, become smaller, and strive to fulfill the promise we made in the higher realms, to implement the plan we prepared.

That’s exactly the purpose:

The analyses carried out within wide fields of consciousness and what is learned theoretically need to be realized within narrow fields of consciousness.

In ancient times, since all these could not be explained to people in detail, many ancient teachings emphasized only being a good and mature person.

Subsequently, in the spiritual revelations received later, the same emphasis has always been made like the spiritual communique, you’ll see below.

Here, attention is drawn to maturation and that this will be achieved in the school of the world, and only then can we be entitled to study at a higher school in the following way…

“Everyone matures in the world.

Those who do not mature will be tested again.

People who have not matured in the world cannot come among us.

It is necessary to mature in order to come among us.

This is an order, a rule that cannot be broken.

Everyone can reach it in the world.”

Maturing in the world means, in a sense, finding the superhuman.

Again, the same spiritual communique says that the path that will elevate people and lead them to maturity, super-humanity, and ultimately unity passes through the following:

- goodness,
- truthfulness,
- working,
- knowledge,
- love.

When we accept these universal values, which will lead us to be good people, as a criterion and apply them in our daily lives, we can reach our goal quickly, i.e. we can evolve quickly and graduate from the school of the world.

Easy to say, hard to do…

May we realize as soon as possible that our world is a school and what awaits us if we cannot graduate.

Moreover, may we finish this school by reaching the desired unity and maturity before it is too late…


If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

Emily Dickinson

Like Emily Dickinson, with this article and with all of my articles as well, can I also ease someone’s aching or stop someone’s heart from breaking by shedding light on the challenges encountered in life?

I don’t know… But I’ll try…

Now, if you want to delve deeply into this subject, the only book that I can recommend to you is the book called ‘The Divine Order and The Universe’, which gives insights into what awaits us if we cannot graduate from this school.

Even if you’re not interested in these topics, I recommend you give this book a try and at least read or listen to the last chapter of the book.

However, first, I recommend that you read this:

With Love. 🙏🏻



Mystic Heart

I share the words, thoughts and excerpts of the books of some wise people who enlightened my path of life. I hope what I share will enlighten your path too.🙏🏻