How to Grasp the Stunning Lack of Object Constancy in a Covert Narcissist

For those looking to discern the covert narcissist from the victim, this is their “tell”

Melissa Kalt, MD


Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

You want to be sure your partner is a covert narcissist.

You want to be sure you’re not.

Maybe you want to know how to discern between the covert narcissist and the victim to perform your job well as an attorney, judge, guardian ad litem, therapist, social worker, pastor, or other professional.

Covert narcissists can fake empathy, apologies, and a desire to improve. They are masters of presenting well.

They can also convince others of their false stories and rack up loads of false testimony.

To the best of my knowledge, they cannot fake object constancy.

Their lack thereof is their “tell.”

What the heck is object constancy?

Object constancy is the ability to believe that a relationship is stable and secure, regardless of conflict, disagreements, or challenges.

Similarly, it includes maintaining a positive emotional connection to someone despite being hurt, disappointed, angry, or frustrated by their behavior.



Melissa Kalt, MD

Leadership Catalyst/Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Specialist/ Solver of Unsolvable Problems/Master Healer/ Entrepreneur/ Author/ Speaker/ Mother of 5.