How to grow an audience on Twitter “X” from 0 to 100K in 2024 (what they don’t tell you)

Alan Yunes
Published in
7 min readFeb 1, 2024


How to increase x followers organically in 9 easy steps

By straline on

With one billion registered users and over 386 million active users, Twitter “now X” is one of the most popular and active social media platforms

Twitter “X” has earned its place as one of the best platforms for building and connecting with large audiences

The massive audience on Twitter provides an opportunity to expand your reach, promote your products or services, increase your social influence, and drive traffic to your blog

However, to unlock the full potential of this platform and tap into its unlimited benefits, you must develop an engaged follower base that trusts you

So how can your brand gain Twitter followers organically? Here are nine simple tips:

1. First Impressions count

Your Twitter profile is the centerpiece of your Twitter account. This is what most users check before hitting the follow button. So, before doing anything else, start by completing and optimizing your profile.



Alan Yunes

Dad | Digital Marketing Strategist | I've helped over 100 brands craft a captivating online presence, reach wider audiences, and fuel brand growth.