How to Handle Your First Time with Jealousy

Strange things happen when you take a step back from your love life.

Jordan Mendiola


Photo by Jake Young on Unsplash

As a millennial in a world full of dating and meeting new people regularly, I never thought I’d be the jealous type.

It took an army deployment and being away from home to finally break my streak of always being satisfied in life.

There’s a girl I’ve been in contact with for nearly three years now, and we’ve hung out a few times every year. We’ve never been in a relationship. We do our own thing. But deep down, we each hold a special place in one another’s hearts.

Overseas, I am focused on the missions and tasks that are asked of me. I don’t go out to meet girls and hook up. That was never the intention. I wanted to spend a year away from home as a retreat that would teach me a lot about myself and life itself.

Since I lack the power to commit myself to this individual who I care a lot about back at home, I face the risk that someone else becomes her significant other.

I hear things are heating up between the two of them, and I’m over here feeling lonely.

I’m someone who gets into a lot of “flings” and has no real commitment for the long-term. It’s…



Jordan Mendiola

I started writing during the pandemic, took a short break. But have returned for more. Quality over quantity this second time around. Thanks for being here!