Arif Ahmed
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2022

What exactly is mental health?

Your mental health can tell us how you feel about yourself and your life.

What you believe you are capable of.

Good mental health enables you to cope with the events of your life.

Suggestions for improving mental health:

There are numerous things you may take to improve your mental health.

1. Take a deep breath and relax.

Make an effort to schedule some time each day to do something soothing.

Take a bath or go for a walk, for example.

Go somewhere else for a few minutes if you’re worried about something. This may assist you in feeling better.

Make a habit of doing something you enjoy. Cook a meal or call a friend. Make an effort not to become overly anxious. Try focusing on the present moment. When you’re mindful, you’re only thinking about what’s going on right now. People may do yoga or breathing exercises to help them be more attentive. Take some time away from your computer, phone, and television.

2. Be innovative and learn new things.

Try something creative, such as sports, baking, or blogging.

Enjoy what you’re doing and don’t get caught up in how good you are at it.

Join a class or a group to meet new people and learn something new. If you are unable to attend a class or club, consider learning something online.

3. Spend time in the presence of nature

Take a look at the natural world outside. Look at flowers or trees, or listen to the birds.

Take a look at nature from the comfort of your own home. Buy a plant that you can keep indoors and watch grow, for instance. Furthermore, when you’re outside, collect some leaves or interesting elements and place them around your house or flat.

Spend time with animals if possible.

When you’re out in nature, try to be mindful. Consider your senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and odor.

4. Maintain contact with others

Discuss your feelings with someone you can trust. Speak with others who are experiencing the same emotions as you. Try doing some volunteer work.

5. Take care of your body

Drink plenty of water.

Make an effort to eat healthily.

Take care of yourself:

Take a bath or shower.

Brush your hair and clean your teeth

Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages or using illegal substances.

Every day, try to undertake some form of exercise that you enjoy.

6. Get plenty of rest

Every night, try to go to bed at the same hour. Before you go to bed, take a break from your computer or phone. Before you go to bed, do something soothing. Take a bath or conduct a relaxation exercise, for example. Make sure your sleeping quarters are comfortable.

