How To Increase Google Traffic in 2022

The Best-Proven Ways to Increase Your Google Traffic In 2022

Arsalan Haroon
6 min readJan 10, 2022


7.5 million blogs are published every day. It’s getting harder and harder to get more Google traffic because there is more competition.

But the good news is you can use SEO practices to increase your chances to rank on Google and get ahead of your competitors.

Although it’s not easy to get thousands of Google traffic, it isn’t impossible to do. People still get thousands of Google traffic into their websites.

You just have to focus on proven practices to increase your Google traffic. There are many ways to optimize your website to get Google traffic.

In this article, We will learn some of the best-proven ways to get thousands of Google traffic, Let’s learn some of the ways to get Google traffic in 2022.


Competitor analysis

If you have competitors that are ranking on top Google searches. Then analyzing what they do on their website to get these types of results can be a great way to optimize your website according to that.

Competitors analysis will help find strategies that your competitors work hard for, but you work smart and use the same method in your website.

If your competitors and your websites both have the same product. But they are getting more Google traffic and sales than you. It may be possible that competitors targeted some high-traffic volume keywords, which you don’t. So that’s why you won’t get as much traffic.

You can use keywords everywhere for analyzing keywords on your competitor’s website. It will help you see the target keywords of your competitor’s website and use them on your website.

You can use the Moz link explorer tool to analyze which websites are linking to your competitors and pitch these websites to link your websites as well.

Competitor’s analysis will make it easier for you to target valuable keywords. It also makes it easier for you to get backlinks from other websites, which your competitors are getting a link.

Analyzing your competitor’s strategy is a first step to making your website performance equal or more ahead of them.

You can use a similar web to analyze where your competitors are getting their traffic from. It can be a great way to find other sources of traffic so you can target that platform for your website as well.

You have to use these competitors’ analysis tools to analyze the competitor strategy that works and use this strategy on your website.

In SEO, it is easier and wiser to use something that works rather than creating something new that requires more time and effort.

For competitor keyword analysis

Keyword everywhere

Identifying competitors backlinks

Moz link explorer

Analyzing where your competitors are getting traffic from


Improve site speed

You can’t ignore the importance of site speed. If your website still takes 15 seconds to load, Then no matter how great content you have on your website.

Most people will leave your website because today, people don’t expect to wait 15 seconds to give them what they want.

You have to improve your site speed because it makes a significant difference in your Google traffic.

Today, Google only ranks websites that load fast, and Google makes site speed their ranking factor.

If you don’t have a fast-loading website, Google won’t Rank you on top search results.

Google knows that audiences prefer fast-loading speed websites that’s why they give this ranking factor so much importance. Some of the best ways to increase your website loading speed are.

Compress images on your website

Sometimes your website gets slowed by images that have big files. You can use Tinypng to compress your images without compromising on quality.

If you are on WordPress, You can use the Ewww image optimizer plugin to compress your image file size.

Go to Google page speed insights

You can enter your website URL in Google page speed insight. It can give you data about how fast a website loads.

If your website loads slow, it gives some of the technical solutions. You can discuss with your developers who can fix these issues and improve site speed.

Evergreen content

Evergreen content is content that you keep updating with new information about a topic. So Google will always know that you are not just creating content once and don’t look at them.

Instead, you update them with new information. So your audience doesn’t get out-of-date information on your content.

Evergreen content ranks for more than a year because this type of content is what Google wants the website to produce.

Google wants evergreen content, They want to give up-to-date and detailed content, which the audience likes.

If you have content that gives detailed information about a topic, You keep updating that content with new information. You have evergreen content because you keep updating it with new knowledge.

This type of content can give you a ranking for the long term. But most people don’t spend time creating this type of content and updating them because it takes so much time.

If you want more Google traffic into your website. You have to create detailed evergreen content and make it up to date, so it ranks on Google for the long term.

Build backlinks

The more backlinks a page has, the more organic traffic it gets from Google. Backlinks are the single most crucial factor that determines your Google traffic.

Backlinks are the process of getting links from other websites to your website. Backlink indicates to Google that other websites are trusting your website that’s why they are giving you backlinks.

Getting backlinks from websites with zero traffic and low domain authority is different from websites with higher traffic and domain authority.

In simple words, domain authority means how much Google trusts your website. If you have high domain authority, it means Google trusts you more.

If a website with high domain authority and high traffic link your website. This one backlinks better than the ten backlinks you get from the new website because Google trusts that high domain authority website more than these new websites.

So if a high domain authority website links your website, You have a higher chance to rank higher on Google search results.

Although the medium and small website is useful for link building, your main goal should be to get backlinks from high-domain authority websites.

Difference between no-follow and do-follow links

When other websites give you no-follow links, it doesn’t provide any value back to your website.

But if they give you a do-follow link, it does provide value back to your website. So when getting backlinks from websites, identify if they are giving you do-follow or no-follow links.

Some of the ways to build backlinks are.

  • Guest blogging is the process of writing a blog on other websites and linking to your website.
  • Infographics are the process of creating engaging infographics which other websites want to use on their website and give backlinks to you.
  • The broken link method is when you identify the broken link on other websites and ask them to change their broken links with your content.


These are some crucial and underrated tips to get more Google traffic to your website.

But you have to remember that it won’t work in the short term. It’s a long-term SEO practice that helps you increase your Google traffic in 2022.


