How can I increase my earnings?
Hello everyone, In this post i am going to share you the secret which almost every multi-millionaire and multi-billionaire uses it is MSI . MSI(multiple sources of income) is used by many wealthy personalities. Yesterday when I was seeing a webinar hosted by Mr. Bob Proctor he said, if you want to be rich you have to change your mental limits to become a millionaire or billionaire.
If you can’t imagine you have Lamborghini (truthfully) you will never be able to get one.”
There are 3 ways to make money.
- Money/time
This way is used my 94% of population and you will die working but you will not become rich.
2. Money/money
This way is used by 4 % of population . In this way money is used to earn money. ( investment, real estate etc)
3. MSI(multiple sources of income)
This way is only used by 2% population. In this way you can easily earn more money. It can also be said to have more Assets and less liabilities.
If you are doing a job at daytime; then do:- investments,blogging and other earnings at night. Remember your assets should be more than your liabilities. If you can’t buy a car without taking loan then you should forget that car. This all above Techniques are used by — Robert Kiyosaki, Bob Proctor and many more.
Thanks for reading.
Have a nice day.