How to Influence the Collective Culture With Love

The four principles of a courageous follower

Paul Myers MBA


All organizations have a distinctive culture, a set of norms, a way of engaging. Ways of behaving and interacting with the world.

“Our secret weapon for building the best culture is open and honest feedback.”– Gina Lau, Team Operations, HelloSign

Leaders and followers must adopt the ways of an existing culture and learn the norms. What's acceptable. “Culture is simply a shared way of doing something with a passion.” (Brian Chesky, Co-Founder, CEO, Airbnb)

We’ve all read stories of political representatives who disregard the culture of bureaucracy and discover defeat. Rejection by the electorate. These Stories are plentiful, legend, but for the wrong reasons.

Interaction and Engagement

Cultures are interactive. Engaging. Followers should not walk on a one-way street. A courageous follower that respects the culture they’ve signed up to can influence it. Good or bad. It’s a choice.

“One of our values is that you should be looking out for each other. Everyone should try to make the lives…



Paul Myers MBA

Top writer in Business, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Startups & Innovation. Interested in all things E-commerce and more ---