How To Journal For Healing

Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2022

With 9 journal prompts to get you started.

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

This is for people who are looking to use journaling as a tool for healing. Journaling is a daily healing practice that could open you up to creativity, healing and energetic flow.

Writing things down, works.

There is something really powerful when you pick up a pen and paper and start writing. Just as reading from a kindle is different from reading a physical book. So is journaling with a real pen and paper rather than just a digital notebook.

Nowadays, we do that way less, and we type way more.

I personally enjoy so much writing things down than typing, I love to see my handwriting and how I just flow with it. But I do admit that writing with a gorgeous old typewriter keyboard is aesthetically beautiful and ASMR satisfying.

There is no right or wrong way to do it.

All you need to do is write. Do not care too much about being great about what you write. No one is watching you, no one is there to judge you, but yourself. So be kind to you and give yourself some break from perfection.

Love yourself, you are perfectly you.

Intentions do matter.

what is the intention behind your journal? it is so important to be clear on this. Do not mix your healing journal with your daily to do list journal. Make a clear intention and dedicate one journal for one purpose. This integrity will serve you so much on this journey.

Here are some journaling prompts to get you started:

  • Describe something that brings you joy and explain why it is so amazing.
  • What is something that triggers you often?
  • What lessons could *insert what comes to mind for example anxiety* be bringing to you?
  • If all of your problems are solved, what would you do right now?
  • The solution existed before the problem, what do you think could be a great solution for *insert a problem in your life* ?
  • What would you do right now to make yourself happy?
  • write a letter to your younger self.
  • write what is bottling up in you that you never expressed before.
  • write a love letter to the person you never confessed love to.

How are you feeling about this invitation to use journaling intentionally to express and heal yourself? Will this be too much to invest time and energy for? Is this idea of journaling triggering any emotions and feelings within you?

Let me know in the comment of this post. I would love to support you and help you bring more clarity on this practice.

I love all the kind people who take the time to read clap and comment on my writings. Thank you so much, every time you do this I do a little happy dance.

