How to Know Someone’s True Intentions

It is time to start using our intuition.



Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

You ever wondered is someone really as nice as they appeared? They may approach you so nice and polite. They make you think they are so genuine.

You feel that it may be the start of a great friendship or relationship. You think they have all the great qualities for a successful relationship.

They could have them, but it is very possible that they have some negative intentions.

It is time that you know the things to avoid failed relationships and friendships.

Things to avoid when making new friends:

1. They always think they are right

A friendship cannot last if you all cannot agree to disagree sometimes. No one wants to be friends with a know it all.

People who think that they know it all are usually so embarrassing because they always want to argue with people. People who act like that definitely do not want the best for you. They want you to be argumentative like them.

You do not need that type of negativity around you because it could start to rub off on you.

2. They disrespect you




Inspiring writer. A lover of music and reading.