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How to Know When to Pivot and When to Persist?

A guide to better habits and routines

Rob Rando
Published in
6 min readJun 3, 2020


This question arises when we find ourselves not making progress. You may have a set of habits and routines that don’t seem to be working. We know that consistency is important to success, but what do you do when those practices aren’t effective?

Should you stick with it and grind or should you make a shift onto something new?
When should one pivot and find something better?
Isn’t that the same as shiny object syndrome?

It is helpful to be thoughtful about our routines. We should be analytical with what we do. There is always room for improvement. With the knowledge that discipline pays off, let’s walk through how you should decide when to make a change and when to ‘stick with it’.

Are your habits & routines working?

Let’s pretend that you’ve been sold on the idea that a good morning routine leads to better days. You’ve read the books and heard the podcasts. From Tony Robbin's “fire breath” thing to Oprah Winfrey’s morning nature walks and mediation, it’s clear the ultra-successful are known for their routines.

The whole idea of a morning routine is so that the practitioner can exhibit some control over…



Rob Rando

I write about finding your niche and the discovery process •Insights from experts & Lessons from experience