How To Laugh In A Serious World

You are not going to die with a bit of humour.

Veena Vijayakumar
2 min readJan 9, 2023


A girl laughing.
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya from Pexels

I think some will agree with me that in the recent years the world has gotten a bit serious. Jokes are constantly being misinterpreted and everyone is being offended all the time. It was easier in the older days, someone will tell a joke, people will laugh and then forget about it. But now jokes are heavily scrutinised from all the different angles that usually makes the comedian apologize or be cancelled. I get it some jokes are offensive and shouldn’t be tolerated. But at the end of the day, we have to take a joke as it is, not as a personal attack. It’s hard to laugh at times when we are living in a serious world where everything is taken so personally, that we forgot to just laugh and let it go.

Don’t Forget to Laugh at your mistakes

We should laugh at ourselves and at our mistakes. But often times when we make a mistake , we immediately start doubting ourselves and then the insecurities starts pouring in instead we could just laugh and tell our mistakes to some else and make them laugh. I never understood why mistakes are always associated with our shortcomings. Our approach should change and taking matters so seriously isn’t the right solution.

Eliminate Stress

Stress is the modern day plague that has affected so many of us. Laughter can free us from that pain to some extent. I know at times some situations are difficult and it’s hard to find the silver lining. It might be raining all day and all we can see are the thunderous clouds, but if we can find that tiny glint of sun somewhere passing through the clouds, that’s enough. We should look for that ray of hope in life.

Remember the feeling when we laugh for a very funny joke it makes us feel lighter and forget about our problems at least for a few seconds. That feeling is irreplaceable like nothing else can give us that same joy as laughing. Lately so many of us miss that feeling and I think it’s time to go back to the old world where we can laugh freely instead always finding the faults with the narrative.

