How To Lead As An Innovator: The Golden Circle of Inspiration

Alen Bašić
Published in
11 min readJan 8, 2021


There are three words at the heart of the world's leading companies.

Photo from the original creator at

There is frequent debate over how the world’s leading companies continue to innovate and consistently surprise us year after year. I’m talking companies that come out of the blue and leave their mark, like Shopify. Or even how individuals like Martin Luther King were able to lead the civil rights movement. It’s something we seem to naturally love to speculate on.

It’s because of their approach. An approach that too many people miss and ultimately what separates them from the rest of the world.

They all start with why.

All these companies had the same access to the resources that you do when they started out. Resources play no part in mass inspiration and building empires.

It doesn't matter if you have all the funding, media coverage, best consultants, or experts from the top universities in the world.

These companies operate at a deeper level than most mediocre businesses or concepts. They focus on tapping into the deepest realm of the human brain and most importantly win you over by getting you to identify with what they're selling or doing through why they are doing it.



Alen Bašić

Harnessing the skill of writing and storytelling to change my life. Join me on my journey of making life more purposeful