How to Learn the Art of Surrender

It took me 20 years to learn what you’ll learn in the next 20 seconds.

Sagrika Oberoi
3 min readMar 31, 2024


Photo by Olga on pexels

We all make plans in life, don't we? from getting into our dream university to getting married and planning that vacation. We want everything to go as per our plan.

we humans have this urge to control every situation in life. it’s just so hard for us to let go.

As I walk on this path of self-discovery I want to share with you this one miraculous habit that completely changed my life.

Think about your life since you were born. And Count 5 things you badly wanted in your life but things didn’t go as per plan.

It can be anything like “After a year, I’ll get a raise. Then I’ll buy a new car. A few years after that I’ll get married, and settle into a beautiful home”. These are the plans you made for yourself. Things may happen your way but not always. and that’s life.

What if I tell you there is a way to cope up with situations like these using this simple habit?

Living in the mode of surrender

Surrender = complete acceptance of what is+ faith that everything will be taken care of even without my input.

This one habit changed the way I looked at life. It simply means to accept things as they are or to see god’s hand in life’s situation. To have faith that whatever is happening in our life is happening for our ultimate good.

Trusting there is a higher power that has a beautiful plan for us, even though we may not be able to see it at the present moment.

You can’t always control the situation, but you can control how you respond to it.

No matter how much we plan, and do our best there will be times when things will go upside down. I strongly believe there is a universal plan, for everyone as per the karmas, that we have performed in the past.

“You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway.” -Steve Maraboli

Our life runs according to what that supreme power has planned for us.

This little belief helps you face any challenge, or adversity in life with a sense of ease. It leads to emotional, physical, and spiritual freedom.


It took me 20 years of my life to understand that life won't always happen your way. And you don’t have to resist the change and fight against the reality instead accept and move on.

There will be times when you’ll have no control, and in such situations, all you can do is be patient, have faith, and trust the grand plan God has for you. we’re finite beings with limited intelligence. we can’t zoom out and see what’s best for us in the years to come.

Living in the mode of surrender teaches us that he (the supreme power) knows what’s best for us and that it will come to us at the right time.

“Everyone is independent to think or desire, but the fulfillment of one’s desire depends on the supreme will”. This law is expressed as “Man proposes, and God disposes” — Shrila Prabhupada

Thanks for Reading :)

Hope this helps!

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Sagrika Oberoi

Researcher and writer, passionate about improving my life, Talks about personal growth, health, lifestyle and spirituality.🌸 connect-