How to Listen to Your Gut Feeling when Making Decisions

I was dating a Chilean for a month, booked a flight and decided to move to the other side of the world

Nathalie Weisz


Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

In May 2018 I made the decision to pause my studies and move to Santiago de Chile. My Chilean boyfriend, with whom I had started dating 1 month before this big decision, was heading back to his country in June. I decided to work full-time during the summer to save money and follow him in September.

The people around me were excited for me, but also a bit surprised. Most of my friends and family didn’t even know the guy. It’s true that I had no idea what country I was going to, if this relationship was something that would last, what my boyfriend’s family was like, or what I was simply going to do there without speaking the language well enough. There was one moment I thought to myself: “Shouldn’t I be thinking about this a bit more”, but at the end of the day, nothing could change how I felt, my mind was set, and it had only taken a few seconds to come to that decision.

When coming to my decision, the only thing I really paid attention to was how the thought of going or not going made me feel. No overthinking, no hour-long calls with my best friend, no going over all the doomsday scenarios. I let my body guide me and I’ll explain…



Nathalie Weisz

Amsterdam based writer, anthropology student and singer, writing about → Life, Mental Health, Society, Self Improvement, Philosophy, Language, and Food.