How to Live a Stress-Free Life in 3 Simple Ways

Mira Sajjan
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2023
Photo by Ella Jardim on Unsplash

Have you observed that we are running for money these days without knowing the word ‘enough’?

Social media, the internet, and motivational speakers have placed some billionaires in front of us as role models of success. Now, every night we go to sleep with the dream of becoming a billionaire. We are not happy and satisfied with our earnings.

A person who earns $2,000 a month can eat an extra-large sandwich for his breakfast. Can A person who earns 1 million Doller a month eat more than an extra-large one for his breakfast? I am sure you know the answer. No, he can’t. Nobody can’t. Can he sleep better than you lying in this $50,000 bed compared to your $500 bed? The answer again is no. So?

It’s just the overthinking and expectation of us and our nearest ones that steal our normal pleasure of life, giving us stress.

I am writing this article to assure you that, it’s possible to live a stress-free, yet glorified, life. I needed clinical consultations for stress once, and the lessons I learned then have changed my life completely.

So here, I would love to share 3 simple ways to live a stress-free life, which I am living right now.

1. Don’t Go for Too Many Things at a Time.

‘Consider yourself as a spoon and the world as a water tap. If you turn on the water with full force, then you definitely can’t pour a spoonful of water. But if you keep the force rational, then it’s easy to pour water spoonful.’–this line I have taken from a former colleague of mine, Iftekhar Mahmud, a renowned novelist in our country.

This world is not made for me or you only. Every single creature that lives and resides here has the equal right to collect its livelihood. There is no good actually, in collecting so much for me only. It steals happiness and gives us stress.

People think that practicing minimalism is possible by buying and consuming the necessary kinds of stuff only. But nobody talks about earning minimalism. Why do we need unnecessary money? Why do we need to go for more and more every day?

There is an interesting example of a tourist who wanted to swim in a pool and identifies that the pool has little water to swim in it comfortably. So, he takes a pot to the nearby fountain and starts bringing a pot full of water to the pool. He kept bringing water for the whole day, even when his pool had enough water to swim. He just wanted to make his pool full. When his pool started overflowing, he stopped, but he was too tired to swim that day. This story gives us the message to know the boundary and the balance to live our stress-free best life!

2. Work with All Your Heart and Try to Help Others Through Your Work.

While working, two options are left for us to live stress-free.

One is to find your passion and work with all your heart.

Two, if you don’t love your work but you need to do it then, strongly discipline yourself to do it without any overthinking.

Try to find out the reason for your work and let it be helpful to people. This is the way you are going to love your job. Like, if you are doing your job as a boring cashier in a superstore, focus on the relief you bring to other people's life. Greet them with a smile and good wishes. Just make your work people-friendly. You are going to enjoy it without unnecessary stress.

See, if Evan Williams had reserved Medium for his writings only, then it wouldn’t become such a great platform today. Now, opening Medium for everybody made him rich and others rich too. This is how we can try to help others through our contributions, and that ultimately makes us happy. The same thing goes for the founders of YouTube, Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim.

3. Self-Care.

Ultimately, it’s you who matters to this universe. Learn to keep your work for your working time only, which can easily lead you toward a stress-free life. Embrace your ‘me’ time and love yourself with all your best efforts. We all know how to take care of ourselves. Still, I am mentioning some points of self-care, below. I am sure you are going to take proper care of yourself first.

· Healthy Diet.

· Proper Sleep.

· Physical Activity.

· Get Medical Support.

· Choose Encouraging Environments.

· Pray or Practice Mind-Fullness.

· Celebrate Life as It is.

· Don’t Expect from People a Lot.

· Be Close to Nature.

· Learn To balance Work and Life.

In conclusion, I am going to say that living a stress-free life is a choice. You need to choose it for yourself. It is going to benefit you, your family, and the universe, as a whole. Because we all are inter-connected and stress-free pleasure of every single creature matters to the divine power!



Mira Sajjan

A Creative Writer. Passionate to write ~ Life Experiences, Self-Improvement, Parenting, Spirituality, Lifestyle and Travelling | Contact: