How to Live with Tinnitus

It’s Madness, but you Can Find Relief

Brian Lamacraft


Photo by kyle smith on Unsplash

Writing is a difficult process on the best of days. You need a clear head to gather your thoughts. It’s made worse if you have tinnitus. No matter what your career, tinnitus can make even simple things feel like a big pain.

Despite the fact that I have this wretched condition, I’ve managed to keep writing. Here’s how I handle my tinnitus and how you can, too.


The first thing you need to do with tinnitus is to make sure you stay relaxed all the time. if you’re stressed, you may find that it feels worse. A hobby that you like can take your mind off of your ringing ears. For me, that’s gardening and playing the guitar. When I get in the zone with my hobbies I can get a lot of relief from the noises in my head.

This can be difficult when not working from home, so do what you can to stay relaxed at work. If work is too much, then you might want to find something else. A high-stress job and tinnitus won’t be a whole lot of fun.


Diet can play a role in how bad your ears ring on any given day, but it’s hard to pinpoint the foods that cause excess ringing. In general, a diet with plenty of vegetables, fruit, and whole grains will make you feel better.



Brian Lamacraft

Brian is an online writer and blogger. In his spare time, he plays guitar and goes camping.