How to Look Like The Posh Girl

Zara Austin
Published in
5 min readDec 12, 2022


Warning: It may not always be advisable

Photo Credit: Photo by Nadezhda Diskant (Pexels)

*Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate links which means if you purchase for those links, I may earn a small commission. I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. Thanks.

I’m going to caveat this by saying (and this may sound strange) it’s not always advantageous to look like the posh girl. It is generally not advisable to try to appear well-off if you are not, as it can be seen as deceptive and can lead to problems down the road. Alternatively, you may be travelling or shopping in a dangerous neighbourhood whereby if you are spotted looking ‘well to do’ you’ll be an obvious target for thieves. Far better in this situation to blend in in a hoodie and jeans. And thirdly, looking ‘posh’ or rich can attract the evil eye or simply put, can attract jealousy and bullying from both strangers, colleagues and friends alike. Not everybody wants to see us do well. I have noticed when I am buying something in a store and I might be dressed in a blazer and heels for work, looking nice, not posh but just ‘nice’ I can get a bit of attitude from sales staff who will be perfectly friendly if I’m in a t-shirt and jeans. It’s an almost jealous ‘mean girl’ vibe and it’s actually a type of begrudgery that is sadly prevalent (and perhaps we have all been guilty of it at one time or another).



Zara Austin

Zara E. Austin is a writer, entrepreneur, coffee addict and chronic over-thinker who writes about life, relationships, travel, wealth and life lessons.