How to Lose Weight With Proven Techniques

The simple things you must know and do

Alexandros Roumpos


Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

The author is the soon of a doctor and an athlete. He was swimming for 6 years, then was at gym for other 5 years, was in the archery team for 3 years, 4 years experience in Wing Chun (kung-fu), has a diving license, parkour and bicycle for fun.

The majority of us want to have a perfect body like the models, with no fat and perfect ABS and muscles. To get the ABS and the muscles you need to exercise a lot, meaning you need time for training. Again, the majority of us are working so much and haven't the time for exercise.

Fortunately, losing weight is the first step to have the perfect body and there is no question about time. You will need the same time to eat as before. There are so many diets out there, others telling you don't eat meat, others don't eat carbohydrates, others don't eat sweets. I have heard one diet suggest drinking only water for three days to lose weight. Then eat one day and again three days only water.

What should you do, which should you follow?

First of all, there is a saying: easy come easy go. Let me say it backward: easy go easy come, and that is true about weight. Put it in your mind and hold it.



Alexandros Roumpos

I’m interested in anything in Life! Trying to be human someday, without fear, past or future, only present! Automation Engineer, Traveler and Reader!