How to Love Yourself — 1 Astoundingly Simple Mind Shift

You don’t have to literally love yourself to love yourself.

Aurellia T. Elisha


I used to hate myself. My body was always the main target, and some days I dislike who I was as a person.

If you’ve had the same experience, you know that trying to stop hating and start loving yourself is one of the hardest things to do.

But it turns out that it’s not that hard once you understand what the term loving yourself actually means.

What is Loving Yourself?

I don’t know about you, but I used to think that it meant loving myself the way I would love my family, close friends, or even a lover: to be somewhat in love with myself.

A lot of others also believe that loving yourself is conceited and narcissistic. Or it can also be an excuse to inflate one's ego.

But, according to Andrea Brandt, a therapist,

“Loving yourself doesn’t mean you think you’re the smartest, most talented, and most beautiful person in the world.

So, definitely not what a lot of others believe.

Instead, when you love yourself you accept your so-called weaknesses, appreciate these so-called shortcomings as something that makes you…



Aurellia T. Elisha

Student. Life. Poems. Still trying to figure life out. Come to be inspired and be an inspiration.