How to de-stress and feel better in uncertainty?

Mrudali Birla
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2024

I am no doctor researcher or someone who can preach about health. But then, why am I writing this? This is because someone’s writing helped me deal with a bad time and helped me overcome a bad period. So, if someone can have a tiny bit of impact by reading this, I win.

Steps to lower your blood pressure.

  1. Sleep: If you can, take a small nap and wake up. Have a tea and listen to some healing music.
  2. Don’t React: Give the situation a day and see how you feel about it. very hard to do, but try it.
  3. Walk: Go on a walk in unknown areas, surroundings not very familiar. A park far away or an area completely new. Opens up spaces in mind.
  4. Sunshine: If you are lucky to get sunshine, go and take it. Solves a lot of issues.
  5. Therapy: If you can at that moment talk to someone, give a call to that someone trustworthy.
  6. Knowing that this too shall pass: Every bad situation is momentary in life and might stretch long but it will get over at some point in time.
  7. you are just a dot in the universe: being happy doesn't matter: If you wake up or feel bad about something, think about the universe and you are a dot like a very tiny one.
  8. you love yourself: You love yourself and your body. You have to do it for yourself.
  9. food: stop eating the salty food if you can. It had adverse effects.
  10. Improve the software of your body: the mind: when you are done with everything. Nourish your mind with good music, therapy, and going back to your loved ones.

