How to Make $1000 per Month on Medium Naturally and Without Any Drugs

There’s hope yet.

Sabana Grande


I know you’ve heard it before, the old adage — “you can’t make money on Medium without the use of performance-enhancing drugs.” Many of you have tried to write without taking any drugs. I know it’s hard. I’m here to guide you on how you too can make at least $1000 per month on Medium, drugs-free.

No more cocaine to make your hands type faster, meth to keep you awake and make your hands type faster, or testosterone injections to make you aggressively type faster…

These things can be done without. Now, I know I am at risk here of trying to sound like Jesus in the bible story, ‘The Feeding of the 5,000’ where Jesus miraculously multiplied food through magic. But this is not magic I’m preaching. You really can make money on Medium without any drugs. You know how I know? I’ve done it myself.

There are 10 tricks in total:

1. Write while you’re high

Wait. Shit. Scratch that. That’s for a different article I’m writing… What I meant to say was, write about your most insufferable good experiences. Tell your readers how you got 16 Top Writer Statuses in 3 days and made $12,500 in 5 minutes on Medium. Tell them how you didn’t even know the English language until the…



Sabana Grande

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