How to Make A Guy Regret Ghosting You

Make him see what he missed out on.



Photo by Keira Burton from Pexels

Most women have been in the following scenarios:

You meet a guy and you both seem to connect on a deep level. You go on several dates together, and from the look of things, you feel a relationship couldn’t possibly feel better.

But all of a sudden, he starts texting and calling you less. And when you try to get his attention, he acts like he’s too busy for you. And slowly, you both drift apart so much that he never initiates contact, making you seem like you’re begging for his attention.

Another way a guy can ghost a girl is when the girl shows a clear interest in him, but the guy behaves like the girl doesn’t exist. The girl tries to give all the signals, initiate contact, but the guy pretends like he doesn’t see what’s happening. He refuses to acknowledge or even talk about it.

Whichever way it happens, ghosting means a guy deliberately ignoring you because he feels he has an upper hand with you. But can you make a guy regret ghosting you? Sure.

Here are six strategies you can use to make a guy regret ghosting you.

Understand That It’s Not Always About You




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