How To Make Extra Money From Your Content

With Very Little Extra Work

Liam Ireland


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

How to grow a bigger following and make more money by syndicating your creative content

They say that home is where the heart is and I have to say that as a writer, here on this platform is where I feel most at home. However, since I am always open to other possibilities for the benefit of promoting my writing, my stories here and my paperbacks on Amazon, I have recently started to post some things on Substack that you will not find here.

I have one more pressing reason for joining Substack, and that is to increase my monthly income. But that is something that will take a little time to achieve.

I am somewhat late to the Substack party around here as I like to see how others do before I make the leap. Over time, I heard lots of good stuff from fellow writers such as Dr Mehmet Yildiz. If this man says something is good, you better believe it’s good. The word he actually used was ‘Fantastic,’ which is more than good enough for me.

One of the big attractions of posting on Substack is that you can monetise your content by creating a subscription model all your very own. You should be aware that if you do choose to monetise you will have to pay ten percent of your monthly subscription fees to Substack and three percent to Stripe…



Liam Ireland

Author, writer, Illumination Editor, Top Writer in short stories and poetry.