How To Make Money Online As A Student | $300/Month

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5 min readMar 18, 2022


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This article is not just for students alone but anyone who wants to build a small business online, and make some extra income like $200, $300, or maybe more. I’ll be revealing to you a 30-day action plan that you’re going to apply starting from today, building an online business from home, and make money online as a student.

This article is structured in a way that it’s targeting people who can’t invest too much time and money. Students usually don’t have enough money and time to invest because they’re studying, that’s why in this article, I’ll be showing you an action plan that requires 1 or 2 hours per day starting with $0. If you’re not a student and you have pretty much time and little or no budget, you can follow up too and invest as time and money you have.


This article is somehow short, but it’s very important that you follow it up step-by-step. I structured this article in a way that it’s connected together to help you build a strong online business. Am not listing things out for you to try out, I am connecting points together showing an action plan. So please read till the end and don’t miss any point.

Make Money Online As A Student

If you’re following my blog, you know I explained a lot of strategies and methods to build a real business online you can check them out if you’d like to. In this article I’ll be picking three methods that I’ll be combining together to build a strong online business with three income streams, ensuring at least $300 per month. Instead of picking only one method and working hard on just that one method that may succeed or fail, let’s pick three so we can our chances of success.

Usually, when we want to work online or work from home, we have a lot of methods like blogging, freelancing, SAAS business, YouTube channels, Instagram sponsorship, building an online shop, drop servicing, drop shipping, etc. there are a lot of strategies and methods but as I told you before, we are targeting people who can’t invest a lot of time and money, we need to start for free with $0 and dedicate at least one or two hours a day as the maximum amount of time to work.

The Methods

1. Freelancing

2. Affiliate Marketing

3. Blogging

Let’s see the chain connection

1. Freelancing

Just for beginners who don’t know what is freelancing, it’s simply providing a service online and getting paid for that service. For example, if you’re a graphic designer, you can create logos or graphics you can monetize that skill and start earning with it as a freelancer. Maybe you’re a programmer, you can develop websites, games, or applications. You can monetize any skill you have and start earning as a freelancer with it on platforms like Fiver. Even if you don’t have any skills, you can learn any skill you want to learn online for free. In fact, there are services or gigs that do not require any skill. Click here to find out.

What we’re going to focus on first is to find some topics and ideas that you can provide services on. This is your job to do, sit down, get a paper, and start brainstorming. Ask yourself, what can I do? What do I want to do? What skills do I have? What skills do I want to learn and develop? You have to get first the skills and the services that you’re going to provide.

Now, to get a better chance of getting clients, you can post your gigs or services on websites like Fiver, Peopleperhour, Guru. Create the same gigs or services and publish on multiple platforms to increase the chances of getting more clients.

Recommended: Fiver Gigs that require no skill

Picks some gigs and services, learn more about freelancing, and publish your gigs or services on websites like Fiver, Peopleperhour, and Guru. This is the first strategy, the second one in the chain is;

2. Blogging

The idea here is to build a small blog, create a blog that’ll help you promote your services and later on your affiliate links. In this way, we are connecting the three strategies together, freelancing with blogging and later on affiliate marketing so we can get more revenue per month, from these three income sources.

What you’re going to do in order to start for free is to visit a website called Blogger, and create a free blog. Blogger is a company by Google, it allows you to create a new blog and name it whatever you want. You can start posting articles on it the moment you’re done setting it up. You can write about any topic you want to write about, it’s always better to pick topics related to your services. For example, if you’re a graphic designer, you can write about topics related to graphic design topics, write about your experience in the field, write something related to your services on Fiver or on other freelancing websites.

In this way, you can connect blogging with freelancing. Create a blog, publish like five to ten articles per month, for example, this will be very good. Try to link and promote your Fiver gigs and services from the blog at the same time. You can also link to your affiliate links.

Next on the chain is:

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is simply promoting products and services for someone else and earning commissions. For example, as a graphic designer, you can promote a service like Canva. Canva allows you to create designs, logos, banners, design social media posts, etc. its one of the top applications in this field. In Canva, we have an affiliate program that you can join and start promoting to earn commissions.

If you’re providing freelance service as a graphic designer and writing about graphic design services, you can simply promote Canva. In this way, you’re linking everything together, affiliate marketing with blogging and freelancing. You’re simply connecting them together creating a strong online business.

Promoting Affiliate Links

Maybe some of you are somehow new to this. You don’t know how to promote affiliate links, or you don’t know how to create a blog. This article is to show you the road map, the action plan in 30 days like the first week is for publishing your gigs, the next is to set up your blog and start writing articles, the third week is to find affiliate products and link back to your affiliate in your blog, and week number four is to start getting traffic and grow online.

I’ll not leave you to go and find traffic all by yourself, if head over to my website, you’ll find articles on how you can get traffic to your website and your affiliate links. Everything you need to know is explained in my articles, do yourself some good by reading them.

Wrapping Up

This is the road map for students, and I think it’s one of the best ways a student can build a small business online working from home, and making money online. Am not sharing secrets here on my blog, am sharing honest case studies that everyone can apply and start working to be successful online. Happy Hustling!

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