How To Make Money With

Pro tips on turning your passion into a profitable income stream without breaking the bank

Deni Sahaya


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I’m a big fan of creating multiple sources of income.
In today’s world, I almost feel like it’s a must. Putting all your eggs into one basket is like relying on the lottery numbers to come up. Chances of success are both rare and slim.

I get a lot of writers asking me how could they make money from their craft. While there’s no ‘one size fits all’ guide; solely because every writer is at a different stage in their journey, there is however this one piece of advice I share like sugar candy.

Get a blog on blogger dot com.

Why Blogger?

There are many reasons why ‘Blogger’ and we’ll explore them all, but you must know that there is a science to making money from Blogger or any platform for that matter.

Let’s explore some of the secrets together. But first…

Why do you need a blog on blogger dot com

  • It’s free
  • It’s been around for 20 + years
  • It’s super easy to set up
  • It’s owned by Google, get the SEO right and you’re in for a treat (More…



Deni Sahaya

Purpose-driven life. Blogger/Writing/Design/Live Your Best Life